The function GCD returns the greatest common divisor of one or more Numbers.
This function takes a Number or Numbers as input. It returns the greatest common divisor as a Number output.
GCD(first_number, second_number, nth_number, ...) -> greatest_common_divisor
first_number, second_number, nth_number (type: at least one number)
The numbers to compute the greatest common divisor for.
Return Values
greatest_common_divisor (type: number)
The greatest common divisor
The numbers six, nine, and 15 are all divisible by the number three.
GCD(6, 9, 15) -> 3
The numbers five, ten, and 15 are all divisible by the number five.
GCD(5, 10, 15) -> 5
While the numbers 15, 30, and 45 are all divisible by both three and five, the largest divisor is 15.
GCD(15, 30, 45) -> 15
Between the numbers two, three, and four, the largest common divisor is one, as any number is divisible by one.
GCD(2, 3, 4) -> 1
The greatest common divisor of the number 15 is 15, as any number is divisible by itself.
GCD(15) -> 15