This Web Flow template has pre-configured components allowing users to select their location based on the geolocation of their current device. From Web Builder, this Web Flow can be tailored to provide users with a customized experience.
Upload Photos Web Flow template components
This Web Flow contains an Upload Photos Web Page with the following components:
- A Label control with the title
- A Place Search Input control for users to locate an address
- A Map control for visual representation
- A Radio Button List control
- A Radio Cell control
- A Label
- A Radio Button
- A Container including a Button control that runs the Location Selected Event
This Web Flow includes the following Variables saving the information of the user:
- location
- search_location
- current_location
The Location Selected Event contains the selected_address Variable. In Journey Builder, the application’s path can be continued by adding an action or a node to the Journey following the Event.
Use Cases
- Allow users to pick their location from the app using their devices’ geolocation.