Standard Journey Data

Each Journey has a records standard pieces of data that are accessible to builders. This device data includes timezone, browser dimensions, timezone, and more. Please refer to the table below.


Standard Journey Data


VariableDescriptionScope Availability Additional Notes
browser.widthDevice widthWeb OnlyThese variables can be used with some airscript to dynamically 
browser.heightDevice heightWeb OnlyThese variables can be used with some airscript to dynamically 
session.timeZoneTimezone of the users deviceWeb OnlyThis is useful to enable TCPA
session.localeLocale of the users deviceWeb OnlyThis provides you a sense of the users language. This can be helpful if you are building a localized experience.
channels.web.canvasLinkThe unique URL to the customer’s journey. GlobalYou can include this in SMS to transfer your customer from SMS over to the Web Channel.
channels.voice.identifierPhone Number of the userGlobal (After Actor Configuration)
channels.message.identifierPhone Number of the userGlobal (After Actor Configuration)
session.idThe unique Journey Identifier that Airkit assignsGlobalThis identifier (or a customer identifier) is necessary when creating App APIs


Additional Configuration Variables


In addition to the Standard Journey data, Theme variants and configuration properties are also available. Any of your theme variables can be accessed using the theme namespace. Configuration variables are available on the configuration namespace. Finally, custom profile variables and app specific configurations are available on profile. We recommend exploring these in App Preview to further see what data you have available.