The Run Data Flow Data Operation starts a Data Flow from within the current Data Flow. It can be used to easily reuse Data Flows across the Connections Builder. It can also be used to run a Data Flow multiple times.

Use Cases
- If you find yourself repeating the same set of Actions throughout different Data Flows, combine them into one Data Flow and run them with the Run Data Flow Operation
- Given a list of names, use Run Multiple Data Flows to make new Salesforce Leads for each of the names
Data Operation Properties
Data Flow
Lists all the Data Flows in the App. The currently selected Data Flow will run when this Operation is executed.
If checked, this Operation will kick off its Data Flows in the background and immediately continue to the next Operation in your Data Flow. Note that the Run Results will not contain the end results of a Data Flow run asynchronously.
Skip Data Flow
Expects type boolean
The Airscript expression in this field is checked at the start of the Operation. If it is TRUE, the entire Operation will be skipped and no Data Flows will be run.
Run Multiple Data Flows?
If checked, the selected Data Flow will run multiple times using input from the Data list. There are several fields that appear when Run Multiple is checked:
- Data: A list of inputs. For every input in the list, the selected Data Flow will be run once with that input.
- Item Name: An implicit Variable will be created that contains the current input from the Data list. That Variable will have the name specified here.
- Index Name: An implicit Variable will be created that contains the current index of the input in the Data list. That Variable will have the name specified here.
- For example, with the default value of index, the first time the Data Flow is run, index will be 0. The second time index will be 1, and so on.
- Collection Name: An implicit Variable will be created that contains the entire Data list.
Below is an example of how to use Run Multiple Data Flows. The selected Data Flow is "Combine Text", which combines 2 Text values together. The value in Data is a List containing the inputs for the Data Flow.
The first time the Data Flow is run, it sets item to the first value in the list of data: { first_input: "hello", second_input: "there" }
. In the Inputs entry, that item
value is used to get the first_input
and second_input
to the correct inputs for Combine Text.

The "Combine Text" Data Flow is run 2 times, and the 2 results are placed in a List in the Run Results.
Run Results
An automatically created Variable to hold the result of the Data Flow(s). If multiple Data Flows were run, the results of each of the Flows will be in a list in the order they were run. If Asynchronous is checked, the Run Results will not contain any results. Instead they will contain {sent: true} to denote that the Data Flows have been started in the background.
If Skip Data Flow was TRUE, this will contain {skipped: true}