Fetch Routing Flow Stats

The Fetch Routing Flow Stats Data Operation returns the core metrics associated with a given Routing Flow, including whether or not the Routing Flow is currently available and how many Conversations have been sent to the Routing Flow. For more on what Routing Flows are, see the Conversation Chat Bots Overview.


Enterprise Feature

This Data Operation requires an ENTERPRISE license. If you would like to enable this feature for your Airkit Organization, please contact your Airkit representative or contact support@airkit.com.

Use Cases

  • Check that the estimated wait time associated with a certain Routing Flow is reasonably short before transferring a Conversation to that Routing Flow.
  • Check how many agents associated with a Routing Flow are presently online.
  • Confirm that a Routing Flow is available before attempting to transfer a Conversation to that Routing Flow.

Data Operation Properties

Routing Flow ID

Expects the ID of a Routing Flow configured in Settings > Conversations.

This designates the Routing Flow that the Fetch Routing Flow Stats Data Operation will return the core metrics of.

Run Results

By default, Airkit stores the output of this Data Operation in an auto-created variable called stats that can then be passed into subsequent operations. Output takes the form of a Object with the following properties:

  • isAvailable
  • estimatedWaitTime
  • agentsOnlineCount
  • unassignedConversationCount
  • assigned ConversationCount
  • totalConversationCount
  • unassignedConversations