Opt Out List

The Opt Out List Data Operation indicates if an end user have have opted out of a particular Conversation.


Enterprise Feature

This Data Operation requires an ENTERPRISE license. If you would like to enable this feature for your Airkit Organization, please contact your Airkit representative or contact support@airkit.com.

Use Cases

  • Check if a user has opted out of receiving message before attempting to send them another message.
  • Analyze trends in what kind of user tends to opt out of receiving messages via certain channels.

Data Operation Properties

Resource ID

Expects a Conversation Hub Channel Resource.

Conversation Hub Channel Resource are configured under Settings > Conversations. These resources must be associated with a Conversation Hub in the Console before they can be configured inside an application.

Run Results

By default, Airkit stores the output of this Data Operation in an auto-created variable called optOutList that can then be passed into subsequent operations. This variable will contain information on users that have opted out of receiving messages via the Resource ID.