The QR Code Web Control displays a QR code with the content of your chosing.
Expects type text
Text encapsulated by string quotes. Typically a URL directing the user to a website.
Assigns a Title attribute to the control to provide additional information about the control. It is used to display a tooltip when the user hovers over the element.
Alt Text
Expects type text
Alternative text encapsulated by string quotes. Used for accessibility purposes to describe the content of the QR code to the user.
Aria Label
Expects type text
The aria-label attribute is used to define a string that labels the current element. It is used to provide an accessible name for the control. For more information see here.
Is Visible
Expects type boolean
the Control will be visible. If FALSE
the control will not be displayed. If the field is empty, the control will be visible.
Is Disabled
Expects type boolean
the time input will be disabled and the user will not be able to interact with the control. If FALSE
the time input will be enabled. If the field is empty, the time input will be enabled.
Check Common style properties of web controls for further details on how to style this Control.
The QR Code Web Control allows users to quickly scan and access a URL. This URL can be a website or link to another Journey.